SELENIUM --------- DAY9 --------- Drop Down QUESTIONS(Theory) ----------------- 1.What is the purpose of DropDown? 2.How will you perform DropDown? 3.What are the ways to select DropDown options? 4.Whether Select is a interface or class? 5.Write a code to print all the options in DropDown? 6.Can we select multiple values in DropDown? 7.How will select multiple values in DropDown? 8.What are the methods available in Select class? 9.can we deselect the options in DropDown? 10.Write a code to print selected options in DropDown? 11.Write a code to deselect the selected options in DropDown? QUESTIONS(Practical) -------------------- QUESTION 1 ---------- URL : NOTE: print all the even option in State and City QUESTION 2 ---------- URL : NOTE: print all the odd option in State and City QUESTION 3 ---------- URL : NOTE: Print all the options in year using getAttirubute() method QUESTION 4 ---------- URL : NOTE: Print all the options in month using getText() method QUESTION 5 ----------- URL : NOTE: print the even dates QUESTION 6 ----------- URL : NOTE: print all the option of country using getText() methods QUESTION 7 ----------- URL : NOTE: print all the option of country using getAttribute() method Register Form QUESTION 8 ------------ URL : NOTE: Book room and print order no. QUESTION 9 ----------- URL : NOTE: print all the option in Room Type available. QUESTION 10 ----------- URL : NOTE: print all the option in Location available. QUESTION 11 ----------- URL : NOTE: print No of option available in Adults per Room QUESTION 12 ----------- URL : NOTE: Select Even Option availble in fruits Find out number of option not selected QUESTION 13 ----------- URL : NOTE: Select All availble in fruits Print first selected option